My Story

Hello, my name is Heena, and I am a certified sleep consultant as well as the owner and founder of The Sleep Mantra.

I am a Montessorian and have been working with children for over 8 years. Children have an “Absorbent Mind” and absorb everything that happens in their daily life. In the first year babies move from dependence, to collaboration, to independence, which is the ultimate goal.

Why choose me?

After the birth of my son, as all parents, we did everything to help our son adapt to the world. My son was not a good sleeper and I found myself up with him every few hours or so. I am a full time working mom and due to sleep deprivation, it was beginning to affect everything from my work to my relationship with my husband and that’s when I decided to start my sleep training journey.

My main goal is to help families from sleep deprivation, as I understand that being a mum for the first time is both wonderful and challenging. With a kind and nurturing approach, I would develop a gentle sleep plan and be able to support your baby to a peaceful sleep. I’m happy to be able to share my knowledge and experience with parents and transform their lives by helping them get a good night’s sleep!

I believe that a well-rested family means a healthier, happier family.