Welcome to Sleep Mantra

Let’s all get some sleep!

Infant and Children’s sleep consulting, providing your little one the tools to develop safe soothing practices and sleep for long stretches unassisted. The great news is I can work with you no matter where you are in the world!

Is your baby not sleeping well?

Hello, I’m Heena and I am here to help solve your struggles with your child’s sleep and teach you how to maintain healthy sleep skills for your child, so you never find yourself back where you are right now. Get in touch, let’s achieve those sleep goals!

My Story

Hello, my name is Heena, and I am a certified sleep consultant as well as the owner and founder of The Sleep Mantra.

I am a Montessorian and have been working with children for over 8 years. Children have an “Absorbent Mind” and absorb everything that happens in their daily life. In the first year babies move from dependence, to collaboration, to independence, which is the ultimate goal.

Sleep Packages

All packages come with a complimentary Environment Assessment to ensure your child is in the safest and most comfortable space.


Newborn to 18 weeks

This package is ideal for new or expecting parents who want to develop healthy sleep habits for their little one.


4 to 18 months old

This package is designed to meet your babies sleep needs during this crucial developmental period.

Toddlers & Older Children

18+ months old

This package is tailored to address your toddler’s sleep troubles and develop a plan to fix them.

Extra Care

These options are great for unique needs or additional support.

What can a sleep coach do for you?

– Help your child learn how to comfortably sleep for long stretches unassisted

– Allow yourself to enjoy time spent together with your baby and your loved one

– Provide your little one the tools to develop safe soothing practices

– Give you the opportunity to refresh and be the best parent to your little one

About Sleep Coaching

Sleep Coaching is NOT Cry It Out!

Often, sleep training is mistaken as having your baby “cry it out” to sleep. While the cry it out method is just one of many methods used for sleep training.

You won’t find that method here. I adhere to a loving, trusting approach that ensures your child is and feels safe throughout the process. I use a gentler approach that allows a deep connection full of love and built on trust.


“I am a mom of 16-month-old twins. I read and heard a lot about sleep training but wasn’t sure where and how to start. I wanted an approach my twins could easily adapt to and give them a smooth transition. I decided to reach out to Heena and very quickly, she created a detailed sleep plan and went it over in detail with me and my husband. She also offered us some suggestions such as adjusting feeding and nap times.

My twins use to heavily rely on a pacifier to nap and sleep at night. I’m happy to report they no longer require it after following Heena’s suggestions. Not only that, my twins also no longer require night feedings. They are gradually sleeping longer and more independently. I can’t recommend The Sleep Mantra enough!”

Jessica - Mother of Twins

“The Sleep Mantra is a good sleep coach and is available 24/7 to respond to emails and can ask her any questions and she will have an answer for it and is there to help you with your child every step of the way and constantly reassure you”

Daniela L, Mother of 7mo
